
For information about how to use twitterjk web command, you can call it with --help argument:

twitterjk web --help


Usage: twitterjk web [OPTIONS]

  Web frontend for Twitter Wall tool. User can query specified twitter
  search expression on simple web page and show results in simple format
  including all additional tweet entities.

  --debug         Setup debug flags for Flask application.
  --port INTEGER  TCP port of the web server.
  --host TEXT     The hostname to listen on.
  --config TEXT   Path to a configuration file with Twitter API keys.
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Example usage

In order to start the server listening on all interfaces and on port 9999 execute:

twitterjk web --host --port 9999

You can now open your web browser and connect to the server on localhost:9999. twitterjk web GUI consists of two pages:

Pages structure

  • / - page with simple query form
  • /search?q=<query>&filter-retweeted=<filter> - page providing searched results

<query> stands for searched query string. Note that is is necessary to properly URL escape this parameter if it contains special characters like # or @.

<filter> parameter defines whether retweets should be filtered. Values can be either on or off, whereas if you omit this parameter, off value is automatically passed.