
To invoke tests simply execute following command which will automatically download necessary testing dependencies and invoke tests:

python3 setup.py test

If the dependencies are already installed in your environment, you can also directly use pytest command:

pytest tests

Following testing dependencies are nowadays necessary to run tests:

  • flexmock
  • pytest
  • betamax


In order to be able to run tests even when you are offline or you do not have Twitter API credentials, testing uses betamax framework to record http communication into cassettes. During testing these cassettes are used instead of initiating communication with Twitter server. You can however create new cassettes with new communication session whenever you want.

To invoke new cassettes recording for betamax testing, simply setup new environment variable named AUTH_FILE pointing to the path to a configuration file with valid credentials (see Configuration file). For instance, to start testing by recording new cassettes, invoke:

AUTH_FILE=auth.cfg python3 setup.py test


AUTH_FILE=auth.cfg pytest tests

where auth.cfg is the name of the configuration file.

To use already recorded cassettes simple omit the environment variable:

python3 setup.py test


pytest tests