
Create image

Function create_image serves as a simple function for creating HTML image tags. It has optional size parameter, where the size of Twitter image can be specified.

>>> create_image("http://foobar.com/img.jpeg")
'<image src="http://foobar.com/img.jpeg" />'
>>> create_image("http://foobar.com/img2.jpeg", "small")
'<image src="http://foobar.com/img2.jpeg:small" />'

Tweet text enrichment

Function text_with_entities is very powerful function that takes text from passed tweet and enrich every entity inside with HTML links. For example, every hashtag is replaced for exactly same text bounded by HTML tag pointing to the search of the hashtag on the twitterjk page.

Url entities

Input tweet example:

url_tweet = json.loads('''
  "text": "Today, Twitter is updating embedded Tweets to enable a richer photo experience: https:\/\/t.co\/XdXRudPXH5",
  "entities": {
    "hashtags": [],
    "symbols": [],
    "urls": [{
      "url": "https:\/\/t.co\/XdXRudPXH5",
      "expanded_url": "https:\/\/blog.twitter.com\/2013\/rich-photo-experience-now-in-embedded-tweets-3",
      "display_url": "blog.twitter.com\/2013\/rich-phot\u2026",
      "indices": [80, 103]
    "user_mentions": []
result = text_with_entities(url_tweet)

Output text:

Today, Twitter is updating embedded Tweets to enable a richer photo experience: <a href="https://blog.twitter.com/2013/rich-photo-experience-now-in-embedded-tweets-3">https://t.co/XdXRudPXH5</a>

User mention entities

Input tweet example:

user_mention_tweet = json.loads('''
  "text": "We\u2019re excited to work closely with the external technical community and continue @twittereng\u2019s work with open source. cc @TwitterOSS",
  "entities": {
    "hashtags": [],
    "symbols": [],
    "urls": [],
    "user_mentions": [{
      "screen_name": "TwitterEng",
      "name": "Twitter Engineering",
      "id": 6844292,
      "id_str": "6844292",
      "indices": [81, 92]
    }, {
      "screen_name": "TwitterOSS",
      "name": "Twitter Open Source",
      "id": 376825877,
      "id_str": "376825877",
      "indices": [121, 132]
result = text_with_entities(user_mention_tweet)

Output text:

We’re excited to work closely with the external technical community and continue <a href="/search?q=%40twittereng">@twittereng</a>’s work with open source. cc <a href="/search?q=%40TwitterOSS">@TwitterOSS</a>

Hashtag entities

Input tweet example:

hashtag_tweet = json.loads('''
  "text": "Loved #devnestSF",
  "entities": {
    "hashtags": [{
      "text": "devnestSF",
      "indices": [6, 16]
    "symbols": [],
    "urls": [],
    "user_mentions": []
result = text_with_entities(hashtag_tweet)

Output text:

Loved <a href="/search?q=%23devnestSF">#devnestSF</a>

Symbol entities

Input tweet example:

symbol_tweet = json.loads('''
  "text": "$PEP or $COKE?",
  "entities": {
    "hashtags": [],
    "symbols": [
        "text": "PEP",
        "indices": [
        "text": "COKE",
        "indices": [
    "urls": [],
    "user_mentions": []
result = text_with_entities(symbol_tweet)

Output text:

<a href="/search?q=%24PEP">$PEP</a> or <a href="/search?q=%24COKE">$COKE</a>?